News and Information

Update on impact of roadworks at the Bridge on Sandon Bank, with reference to Casey Bridge in Salt Village.

This matter was discussed at length at the Parish Council’s last Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. Please see Minutes published on the Agendas and Minutes Section.

Following extensive correspondence on the following day with Staffordshire County Council Traffic and Network, the Parish Council have been advised by them as follows:

Traffic and Network staff deal with diversions and planning around restrictive works and they get a great deal of representation regarding diversion routes and increased conflicting traffic on side roads in villages.

Any road works will inevitably lead to inconvenience, delays, and frustration for road users, often leading to drivers endeavouring to seek the most efficient route possible to get to their chosen destination, regardless of the wider consequences.

Any diversion route often has undesirable repercussions for residents, who may be impacted by increased traffic usage of streets as part of official diversion routes, or unofficial diversions by drivers attempting to circumvent traffic delays seeking an alternative self-chosen route.

Please be assured that every effort possible is made to minimize disruption, to choose a route that is considered the safest, most appropriate route available.

Whilst a diversion route will be agreed and in general reflects the classification of the road closed, diversion routes are only advisory and public highways are intended to accommodate a variety of traffic types. Ultimately it is up to drivers to decide which alternative routes are best for them. They may not always agree with the official diversion route, particularly if it is considered overly inconvenient or lengthy.

Appropriate measures are undertaken to encourage official route usage and to discourage inappropriate paths.

However, diversion routes can only be advisory.

It is important to stress that any inappropriate use of roads not part of the official diversion route is not within the control of the highway authority or any third-party authority responsible for the works.

It is normally not possible for a temporary weight restriction to be imposed, nor is it normally possible to impose temporary speed limit variations other than in the immediate vicinity of works.

A road closure may be an option however this will also restrict local residents.

From experience, unless a road is physically blocked, drivers will often ignore signage.

To conclude Traffic and Network have advised the following.

· Road closures can only normally be imposed by means of a variety of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO).

· There are restrictions on what may be termed normal orders – these require publication, notice periods, legal processes etc. all of which incur costs.

· A normal order would not be able to be processed in time before the works are scheduled to finish.(on the 19th July)

· Emergency TRO’s are possible, however these have strict qualification criteria such as immediate danger to life, Significant loss of property etc. Again, these also have significant cost attachment.

· The situation as described in Salt Village would not qualify for such measures.

· Traffic and Network frequently receive representation from parishes, residents, and alike along similar lines to your correspondence and Yours is certainly not a unique issue.

· From experience, were a road to be shut, drivers are simply likely seek another equally inappropriate route elsewhere leading to further calls for road closures.

10th July 2024




Staffordshire County Council Traffic and Network team advise

"The works have hit some issues and now require more remedials than originally thought. As such, the two way signals will be in situ until 24th June where the closure of the bridge will commence – please note this could be subject to change however it is unlikely to be before this date.

We have spoken to the structures team already and requested that signage be deployed at various locations around accesses to Salt village to try and deter people from using this as a shorter diversion route. I'll contact the engineer dealing with the works now to ensure this request is being actioned as this was originally requested back in January. I will also see if I can get details of where they will be placing them so the parish can comment on whether any further signage is required/can be placed in more prominent locations."

 14 May 2024


The Parish Council have been in extensive dialogue with SCC Highways re the above and, via them, we have had a response from Traffic and Network. They advise the following

These works are split into 2 different phases. Initially, there will be 2 way signals going out from 5th Feb until 17th April where the closure will then be implemented until 17th May.
We have requested further signage as per the below such as “Access to frontages only” which we hope will deter anyone from using Salt as a rat run. As we have mentioned before, unfortunately we have very little powers to prevent any vehicles from using a different route to that which we suggest. The route that we publish is very much a suggested route only and vehicles can choose to use a different route, providing there are no restrictions preventing this such as weight restriction for heavy vehicles. However, we are hoping that the signage will go some way to help the situation.
We do advise members of the public to contact the police should there be any evidence of dangerous driving etc as they will have enforcement powers with this being a moving traffic offence.



Civic Amenity Skip Visits 2024 

The Civic Amenity visits for 2024 have now been allocated and requests from individual Parish Councils have been accommodated as far as is possible.

In all cases a refuse collection vehicle will be parked at the site(s) referred to below at the times stated on Saturday mornings.

Therefore the 2024 arrangements relating to our Parish are as follows: -

Site: Village Hall Car Park, Salt

Dates: 23 March, 6 July

Times: 10.30-12.30

Site: Hollybush Inn Car Park, Salt

Dates: 26 October

Times: 10.30-12.30

Please be aware that, due to a change in legislation as in 2023, we do not accept sofas or armchairs at the Civic Amenity Visits. This is due to legislation around Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) which are found in soft furnishings, these items cannot be crushed (as they would be in the collection vehicle) and need to be collected separately either by arrangement with Stafford Borough Council or taken to designated containers at the Household Waste Recycling Centres in Stafford and Stone. This information will appear on the posters we send out to you and there will also be an advisory sign put out on collection days. We would appreciate it if you could also communicate this information to your residents in advance to prevent them making a wasted journey.

 Stafford Borough Council have taken the opportunity to relaunch this service in a more sustainable and controlled manner.

  • Civic Amenity Printable Poster



How to report Fly Tipping

Environmental Crime Enforcement

Includes: dog fouling, fly tipping, graffiti, dropping litter, abandoned vehicles, fly posting and vandalism.

You can also email at or call on 01785 619000. 





Chargeable Garden Waste 

Residents will need to sign up if they want to continue receiving our brown bin garden waste collection service from January 1.

You may be aware that around 65% of local authorities across the country already charge their residents for this. Collecting garden waste is not a statutory service – and last year we announced that unfortunately we would have to introduce a £36 annual charge for those households who wanted to continue with the brown bin service.

Our council has been commended for the way it has managed its finances. But there is no escaping the very real financial pressures that local authorities are facing – and this has now been amplified as we respond to, and recover from, the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The money raised from the collection of garden waste will help with these budgetary pressures and therefore protect other essential services to our residents.

We will be sending all residents information directly about this change but please can you also circulate this website address within your parish along with the attached poster.

Brown Bin Poster 

Thank you for your assistance with this

Yours sincerely




Head of Operations

Stafford Borough Council


Civic Centre





ST16 3AQ

01785 619411







News and Information on Current Issues